New WeMo devices

If is a new WeMo device, you have to do the initial setup of the device. To do the setup you need to use the official app for iPhone or android, more instructions on the Wemo site:

After you have setup the device, just open the WSwitch and from the app menu select the "Refresh Devices" to find all Wemo devices.

Add devices

The app will search your local network for Wemo devices automatically on launch. If you want to repeat search manually press the refresh button.

You can create and manage groups of devices on the Groups tab

To create a new group:

  • Tap on "Add new group" button

  • Select devices you want to add on the group

  • Press done

  • Name the group and press create

  • Done! You can now control the new group

  • To edit group tap on group row

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