ReceiptBox is a very easy to use application designed to help you keep track of your receipts
“Just In Time For Tax Season Is The One Stop App To Manage All Your Receipts In A Digital Box”
“Easy to use. I use it for my small business and it is perfect.”
Expense categories - Organize your expense into categories. Create your custom expense categories and keep track how much you spend on each.
Multiple accounts - Save and organize your receipts into multiple accounts.
Receipts templates - Create templates based on existing receipts to reduce data entry on similar records.
Import-export to file - Export-Import your data to a txt file. CSV format for easy import to Microsoft Excel.
Data Graphs - Pie charts and bar graphs for visual representation of how much do you spend per month or per category.
Easy search - Easy to search for receipts. Print or export your results.
Image attachment - Attach a image snapshot of your physical receipt. Use your iSight camera or select a image file.
Excel File - Export data to to Excel file (xls). Open with Microsoft Excel or Numbers